Monday, February 15, 2010

For Our Valentines

Think not because you are now wed

That all your courtship's at an end.

~Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza

Valentine's Day has us all thinking of love and expressions of love. There's nothing magical about Valentine's Day, of course. But we can let it work for us. It's a good reminder to think about our marriages and take the time to express our love and devotion. Even the best marriages can use an occasional boost, and, let's face it, homeschooling can bring extra challenges to all our family relationships.

As a mid-winter boost, I'm recommending an very insightful article for you today from Kurtz Cockley, a homeschooling father who is also a marriage and family counselor. This article is practical and wise. You'll find it here on the new PA Homeschoolers Online Magazine.

For those of you who haven't read it, you can read about my own romantic getaway in January on the Moonboat Cafe: Adventure By the Sea.

One of the simple ways that I show love to my husband is by listening to him. I try to make sure I am listening with my eyes and paying attention to what he says. I try not to interrupt, which is sometimes difficult for me.

What's one simple way you show love to your spouse?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I had a hard time leaving you comments earlier today, don't know why but I got through now. Whew! I laughed at your comment, your so fun! I've watched my friend do Twitter but I still don't quite get how it works with all the tags and stuff, but I don't have access to my computer all day to see updates and I think Facebook does that already? (not sure how they are different) I understand Facebook though and sometimes log in there but my blog is my main thing.

    Hope your having a great day!


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